The seventh edition of “Armageddon Descends” will end with a special aftershow culmination on Sunday in club “nArauti”. It will feature two guests from Central Europe. Atmospheric black metal cult act from Czech Republic CULT OF FIRE and their ever-rising neighbours from Slovakia MALOKARPATAN.

The CULT OF FIRE debut album “Triumvirát”, released in 2012, brought a great deal of turmoil to one of the darkest metal scenes. It is this collective that is much to blame for the black metal wave propagating mysterious imagery, ritual performances, theatrical elements, spatial soundscapes and a move towards oriental esotericism. The trio will be greeting 2020 with a new album and a tour complimenting its launch.
The complete opposite is the dirty and haxan sound of MALOKARPATAN. The band focuses on a blend of old-school black/thrash with rock‘n’roll, classic metal traditions and ideas, all wrapped in an energizing form. The creativity of the band is a response to the enforcement of modernity, sterility and political correctness. Instead of pursuing tedious elite heights, these Slovaks prefer the ever-growing sympathy of the underground scene.